As I grew up, I always felt I was not enough. I wish I were someone else, someone better. I wish I could have better memories; I wish I never felt socially awkward; I wish I would never let anyone down…

When I am tired of all the anxiety, insecurity and vulnerability, I did an experiment. I made a series of wearable devices programmed to optimize my emotion, empathy, and social interactions. Then I gave my agency to them, letting them direct my social interactions and emotional response. I turned myself into a cyborg.

Today I Will be a Better Human
Performance, AI-driven Wearbales

Today I Will be a Better Human is a performance and a series of wearable installations that transform the artist into a “better” human with algorithmically optimized emotion, empathy, and social interaction. It is an attempt to understand what it means to be human in the age of automation, with a language of absurdity and vulnerability.

I. I Will Never Forget Your Name 

"I Will Never Forget Your Name" is a social assistance that optimizes my memory and helps me remember everyone’s Name in a social situation. 

II. I Will Always Understand You

“I Will Always Understand You" optimizes my emotional intelligence and helps me to cry when I am expected to show sadness. 

III. Let Me Hug You 

"Let Me Hug You"  comforts me and optimizes my negative emotions. 

Performance @ Pinapple Reality

Photo documentation of the artist performing at the Waiting Room where she took on identity of an optimized human and interact with visitors with the aids of her AI-driven wearables. 

Wearble Design System

You can learn more about the project from my presentation here